Quercetin Complex
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Quercetin Complex is formulated for high absorption as quercetin alone is poorly assimilated into the body. Quercetin Complex has two excellent features to magnify absorption. It includes a clinically effective dose of bromelain, a plant-based digestive enzyme from pineapple which helps to move quercetin from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. Bromelain is also an anti-inflammatory that enhances the actions of quercetin. Secondly, Quercetin Complex delivers quercetin in a special phytosome form bonded to sunflower-sourced phosphatidylcholine which is also a chief component of human cell membranes and easily recognized by the body. Molecular imaging shows that phosphatidylcholine wraps around each quercetin molecule, producing a little bundle that protects quercetin from destruction by digestive secretions and gut bacteria. This phytosome complex chaperones quercetin safely across intestinal epithelial cell membranes into the bloodstream, making quercetin easily available for cells to take up and use. Recent studies show that botanicals in the phytosome form may be two to seven times better absorbed: more than 52% of quercetin embedded in a food source or phytosome is assimilated, while only about 24% of raw quercetin reaches the tissues while the rest is excreted in stools. We have seen very good long-term improvements using Quercetin Complex with our patients for allergic conditions including seasonal nasal allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disorders, and also for prostate heath and psoriasis.
About this product
Quercetin is a flavonoid naturally found in onions, green tea, apples, berries, bell peppers, and buckwheat. Flavonoids are plant pigments that color vegetables and fruits; studies show that quercetin is one of the most effective flavonoids and many medicinal plants work because of their high quercetin content. Quercetin inhibits several steps of the allergy process and inflammation: It stabilizes the membranes of mast cells, a type of white blood cell, so their repositories of allergy-producing mediators are kept inside and not jetted out into tissues. Quercetin reduces the formation and release of histamine, which is responsible for itching, copious mucus, redness, swelling and narrowing of airways in nasal allergies, dermatitis and asthma.
It is also valuable for diabetes: it blocks an enzyme called aldose reductase which converts glucose into a sorbitol, a substance that may be the partial cause of diabetic complications including cataract, retina damage and nerve symptoms. Quercetin also enhances insulin release and protects the beta-cells that make insulin in the pancreas from damage. Of all the flavonoids, quercetin has the most anti-viral action: it inhibits herpes type 1, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus from multiplying and attaching to tissues. For prostate health, quercetin has been found in double-blind studies to ease the pelvic pain of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis with more than 65% of patients noting at least 25% reduction in symptoms. Based on clinical trials, quercetin is helpful for benign prostate enlargement, BPH, as it reduces swelling. A dose of 500 mg twice daily for a month resulted in a significant decline in prostate symptoms compared to a placebo.
For nasal allergies (aka hay fever) and asthma, quercetin has been found to be as effective as antihistamines and the mast cell-stabilizing drug sodium cromoglycate. Quercetin appears to slow formation of new mast cells that line nasal passages, cuts the numbers of secretory granules within them that carry allergy-causing compounds, and stabilizes mast cell membranes so they less readily release these mediators that attract inflammatory cells. Quercetin reduces sticky secretions and relaxes airway smooth muscle, and it also helps COPD by opening up airways and may prevent emphysema: It helps to restore normal elasticity of lung tissue, and reduces production of the protein-melting enzymes that dissolve alveolar walls, helping to retain the lungs’ normal architecture and function.
Quercetin is a classic remedy for inflammatory bowel disorders including Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. It helps calm inflammation and offset allergic reactions to foods by inhibiting the manufacture and release of histamine and other mediators. Quercetin may be even more potent when formulated with bromelain which acts as an independent digestive aid and anti-inflammatory. We have seen excellent results over time with our patients taking quercetin with bromelain. Quercetin also helps good bacteria, probiotics, to flourish in the intestine, partly because it boosts immune responses against noxious bacteria and viruses such as hepatitis C. It decreases the infection rate with Helicobacter pylori, and strengthens host defenses in intestinal Salmonella infections, a major cause of disability especially in older adults. Quercetin is helpful for food allergies: it blocks allergy-related antibodies, reduces uncomfortable intestinal inflammation and dangerous systemic “anaphylactic” responses. Research studies show that by greatly lowering histamine levels, it prevents dangerous drops in blood pressure and blood vessel leakiness caused by allergen foods. This could save lives as peanut allergy is the leading cause of fatal food allergies.
For skin conditions, quercetin is a cornerstone in natural eczema therapy, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Quercetin can also be an effective part of psoriasis treatment, helping to offset excessive skin cell proliferation. For skin allergies, contact dermatitis, quercetin is more effective than the standard drug cromoglycate at inhibiting inflammatory cytokine release.
Quercetin is reputed to have anti-aging properties: it is an antioxidant that mops up free radicals that damage tissues; it protects DNA from damage; it is documented to regulate gene expression in favor of youthful characteristics; it helps the body’s natural stress responses; and it activates enzymes that dispose of damaged and aging proteins. Clinical trials indicate that quercetin also protects “bad” LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized and sticky thus reducing the risk that LDL is deposited within arteries.
Bromelain is a complex of sulfur-containing proteolytic enzymes derived from the pineapple plant. Bromelain has protein-digesting and immune-enhancing properties. Bromelain can help the absorption of quercetin and maintaining a normal inflammatory response. Taken with meals, bromelain will be used by the body to digest proteins, but when taken on an empty stomach, bromelain acts medicinally as a potent anti-inflammatory and reparative for soft tissues to reduce pain and swelling. Bromelain is well-documented to survive stomach acid, which between meals, is at a lower level than in pineapple.
Bromelain was first used therapeutically in 1957 and since then, several hundred research studies have documented its effectiveness for inflammatory arthritis, chronic inflammation, and to promote healing after injuries, bone fractures, surgery and dental surgery. Plastic surgeons like to use bromelain after surgery to reduce swelling and bruising and to increase the resorption rate of hematomas.
Bromelain works in several ways: it breaks down the fibrin mesh that is part of the inflammatory process to reduce tissue drainage, edema, swelling, and minimize scar formation. It also inhibits the varieties of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and kinins that provoke inflammation. Bromelain stimulates the production of plasmin which can block the formation of inflammation-causing mediators. All of this leads to reduced pain, though bromelain is not a direct pain-reliever. Through its ability to enhance digestive functions, it magnifies the amount of quercetin and other flavonoids that can be absorbed from the digestive tract into tissues. Read more about bromelain on our Bromelain description page.
2 capsules provide:
Quercetin Phytosome, (Sophora japonica leaf concentrate / Phosphatidylcholine complex from Sunflower): 500 mg
Bromelain* 200 mg
Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (derived from cellulose) capsule, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Leucine. *Bromelain is derived from the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus). This product is NOT diluted with lactose.
This product does not contain artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, gluten, dairy or soy.
Always take natural remedies under the supervision of your health care provider. Do not use Quercetin Complex without the advice of your healthcare professional if you take blood pressure medications including lisinopril, losartan, diltiazem, amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide (Lasix), and others, as quercetin may slightly reduce blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Monitor your blood pressure carefully if you take other natural remedies that may lower blood pressure including ginkgo, hawthorn, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, or Carditone.
Consult with your health care provider if you take certain medications broken down by the liver including amiodarone, verapamil, Celebrex, diclofenac, ibuprofen, Avapro, losartan, phenytoin, warfarin, amitriptyline, codeine, flecainide, metoprolol, propranolol, paroxetine, tramadol, Effexor, citalopram, sertraline, ketoconazole, fluoxetine, omeprazole, lansoprazole, and others as quercetin can slow down the breakdown of these drugs and potentiate their effects.
Do not use Quercetin Complex during pregnancy or lactation unless under the guidance of your physician as there is insufficient data about safe use during pregnancy.