Citricidal® Nasal Spray

We prefer this brand because...

Grapefruit seed extract is a potent antifungal and a possible antibacterial. In 1999, the Mayo Clinic found that 96% of patients with chronic sinus symptoms have an underlying fungal infection. The antifungal effects of Citricidal® Nasal Spray have addressed the cause of chronic sinusitis or nasal congestion for many of our patients. Citricidal® Nasal Spray also lubricates nasal passages for people living in dry climates or indoors with air conditioned or heated air. This reliable brand is sufficiently concentrated to be effective. We like the purity of this brand as there have been reports of over-the-counter grapefruit seed extracts being contaminated with preservatives or bacteria.

About this product

Chronic sinusitis with symptoms lasting three months or longer is the most common chronic disease in the US, (versus acute sinusitis caused by bacteria, which lasts a month or less). In September 1999, Mayo Clinic researchers announced that they’d found the root cause of most chronic sinus infections: an immune system response to fungus. Grapefruit seed extract targets fungus by disrupting cell walls so that the cell contents leak out.

For hundreds of patients with chronic sinusitis, new methods of testing nasal samples revealed fungus in 96 percent of the patients’ mucus. There were high eosinophils, white blood cells that are part of the allergy process: the immune system sends eosinophils to attack fungi, and the eosinophils irritate nasal membranes. The extra mucus and swelling of nasal linings cause chronic congestion, inflammation, and itching. As long as fungi remain, so will the irritation. This research was confirmed by the ENT University Hospital Sinus Center in Graz, Austria and the National Institute of Health awarded Mayo Clinic a $2.5 million grant to further investigate the immunologic response to fungi.

A total of 40 different kinds of fungi were identified in test patients with an average of 2.7 kinds per patient. Thousands of kinds of fungi (molds and yeasts) are found throughout the world and spores, the reproductive parts, become airborne like pollen. Antibiotics do not help because they target bacteria which are not the cause of chronic sinusitis. The mainstream treatments antihistamines and steroid sprays cause significant side-effects.

Grapefruit seed extract also contains antioxidants including flavonoids, vitamin C, tocopherols, citric acid, limonoids, sterols, and minerals. Studies show the flavonoid naringin may be excellent for lowering plasma lipids.


2 sprays provide:
Citrus paradisi grapefruit seed extract (Citricidal®) 0.1%
Other Ingredients: Water, glycerin (vegetable), sodium chloride
This product does not contain ingredients of animal origin, gluten, or GMOs.


Always take natural remedies under the supervision of your health care provider. Do not use Citricidal® without the advice of your physician if you are taking blood-thinning medication, immunosuppressants or antihistamines. Stop Citricidal® five days before surgery as it may increase bleeding times.

Do not use Citricidal® during pregnancy or nursing without medical guidance.

Helps With:
  • Sinus Infections

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