
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 Tbs. freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 Tbs. organic sweet corn kernels
  • 2 Tbs. flax seed oil or olive oil
  • A dash of Pickapepper or other spicy hot sauce.


Halve the avocado and place open side up on a plate. Mix all other ingredients, and pour over avocado. Eat chilled or at room temperature.


Racy Lentil Paté

Health Benefits of Ingredients

Benign Positional Vertigo is helped by Avocado:

For BENIGN POSITIONAL VERTIGO, Avocado is a low-tyramine, healthy fat source and when incorporated into the diet may improve inner-ear fluid balance. According to the Vestibular Disorder Association, 69 million Americans over age 40 have experienced vestibular dysfunction and the unpleasant sensation of spinning and loss of balance. Vertigo can be a side effect of an inner-ear disorder, viral or bacterial infection, or Ménière’s disease, and there are certain foods that can ease its symptoms regardless of its origin. The humble avocado fruit happens to be a stand-out due to its vitamins C and B6 content. Avocado is also extremely low sodium food as salt is discouraged since it can cause fluid retention.

In a study of 22 Ménière’s patients who had failed conventional therapy, researchers in Japan gave 600 mg of Vitamin C with 300mg glutathione plus a free-radical scavenger daily over two weeks and 21 subjects reported marked symptom improvement.1 One cup of sliced avocado contains 24% of the RDA for the vitamin.

With 20% of the RDA for vitamin B6, it is interesting to see that those who suffer from vertigo especially that brought on by prescription medications, seem to experience a benefit when they add the vitamin to their diet. The researchers induced vertigo using an antibiotic and found that those treated given just 40mg of vitamin B6 had markedly reduced side effects.2

Recommendations: ½ to 1 avocado daily


  1. Takumida, Masaya, Matti Anniko, and Makiko Ohtani. “Radical scavengers for Meniere’s disease after failure of conventional therapy: a pilot study.” Acta oto-laryngologica 123, no. 6 (2003): 697-703.
  2. Claussen, C. F., and E. Claussen. “Antivertiginous action of vitamin B 6 on experimental minocycline-induced vertigo in man.” Arzneimittel-Forschung 38, no. 3 (1988): 396-399.

Diabetes, Type 2 is helped by Lime

For DIABETES, TYPE 2 and high blood sugar, the high levels of soluble fiber in limes offers those with diabetes the most benefits. Although citrus fruits like lemons and limes have a high vitamin C content help diabetes sufferers manage their blood sugar levels, it is their fiber that helps manage diabetes.

For high blood sugar, the American Diabetes Association has advised diabetics to frequently add lime juice to their water as a way of getting a refreshing drink which will not increase their blood sugar level. The soluble fiber in lime may stabilize blood glucose levels by helping to slowing down the body’s absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and lower blood pressure by reducing the low-density lipoprotein, or “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Since diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease, it’s important to focus on foods that help reduce inflammation of the blood vessels. Lime is a valuable source of antioxidants and their phytochemicals and flavonoids keep artery walls healthy and free of fats to help prevent heart disease. Regular vitamin C consumption benefits the entire cardiovascular system by maintaining blood vessel integrity, reducing blood cholesterol levels, and preventing lipid peroxidation.1

The water-soluble fiber in lime is called pectin and it works by binding to fats like cholesterol in the digestive tract and promoting their elimination. It helps detox the body, regulate the body’s use of sugars and cholesterol, and improves gut and digestive health. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed how pectin works to bind with fats making them easier for enzymes like pancreatic lipase to digest the lipids.2

According to, new research published in the Journal of Life Sciences indicates that citrus peel extract containing polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) may help prevent diabetes. The research showed that citrus peel extract reduced the level of serum triglycerides (TG) and cholesterol, both of which are known to contribute to disorders such as diabetes and obesity. Therefore, citrus peel extract may improve insulin sensitivity.3

Recommendations: Drink lime water a half hour before eating breakfast or lunch to lower blood sugar levels.


  1. Boshtam M, Moshtaghian J, Naderi G, Asgary S, Nayeri H. “Antioxidant effects of Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) juice and peel extract on LDL oxidation.” Journal of Research in Medical Sciences : The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2011;16(7):951-955.
  2. Espinal-Ruiz M, Parada-Alfonso F, Restrepo-Sánchez LP, Narváez-Cuenca CE, McClements DJ. “Interaction of a dietary fiber (pectin) with gastrointestinal components (bile salts, calcium, and lipase): a calorimetry, electrophoresis, and turbidity study.” J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Dec 31;62(52):12620-30.
  3. Tsutsumi R, Yoshida T, Nii Y, et al. Sudachitin, “A polymethoxylated flavone improves glucose and lipid metabolism by increasing mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle.” Nutrition & Metabolism. 2014;11:32. 

Frequent Colds & Flu are helped by Lime:

For FREQUENT COLDS & FLU, lime added to drinking water is an easy and refreshing way to increase vitamin C and bolster your body’s natural defenses against viruses. Vitamin C not only helps produce more immune system cells, it also improves those cells’ ability to kill microbes.1 It is beneficial in preventing frequent colds and flu and also in helping speed recovery after infected.2

As a citrus fruit, lime contains other beneficial compounds like beta-carotene, flavonoids, limonoids, and folic acid. Its citric acid has the ability to break up mucus and has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine especially as a cough treatment. Honey is also acidic and the combination with lime can soothe a cough-irritated throat. Although honey has significant scientific and public recognition for its antimicrobial properties, both foods also have germ-killing attributes. In a November 2006 study from the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine, various bacteria and fungi were inhibited by an extract from the juice and rind of lime.3

Recommendations: 1 lime daily


  1. Carol Ströhle, A., and Andreas Hahn. “Vitamin C and immune function.” Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten 32, no. 2 (2009): 49-54.
  2. Complementary and alternative medicine for prevention and treatment of the common cold, R. Nahas and A. Balla, Canadian Family Physician, January 2011, 57(1):31-6
  3. Aibinu, Ibukun, Tayo Adenipekun, Toyin Adelowotan, Tolu Ogunsanya, and Tolu Odugbemi. “Evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of different parts of Citrus aurantifolia (lime fruit) as used locally.” African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines 4, no. 2 (2007): 185.

Ideal Weight is helped by Lime:

For IDEAL WEIGHT, lime is an excellent tool containing nutrients that play an important role in helping your body break down fat during exercise, plus its juice and zest adds fresh, bright flavor to food without adding calories. Although the only way to reach and maintain ideal weight is a balance of expending energy in relation to the intake of good food, there is evidence that getting enough vitamin C may affect your weight loss when exercising.1 With the current understanding that genetic polymorphisms can influence biochemical pathways that regulate fat oxidation, energy expenditure, or energy intake; it also appears that these pathways are impacted by specific foods and nutrients. Specifically, vitamin C status is inversely related to body mass. According to the study, individuals with adequate vitamin C status oxidize 30% more fat during moderate exercise than individuals with low vitamin C status. Since this is a water-soluble vitamin, it’s important to make sure you get plenty every day.

Water is another beneficial tool for maintaining ideal weight by keeping you hydrated and satiated and adding lime makes it a refreshing, vitamin C-rich treat. Although that may seem like a myth, a 2008 study2 showed that water consumption acutely reduces meal energy intake among the middle-aged adults and resulted in consistent weight loss. In addition to sprucing up water, fresh lime juice can replace oil-based dressings, and creamy, butter-rich sauces in salads, meats, seafood, and vegetables.

Limes have both soluble and insoluble fiber which can slow the rate of digestion and keep hunger at bay by maintaining a stable blood sugar level. Insoluble fiber helps you feel full without adding extra calories. Add chunks of lime to salads or pasta dishes, or roast slices with meat, poultry, or fish.

Recommendations: 1 lime daily


  1. Carol S. Johnston (2013) Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss: From Vitamin C to the Glycemic Response, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 24:3, 158-165, DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2005.10719460
  2. Dennis, Elizabeth A., Ana Laura Dengo, Dana L. Comber, Kyle D. Flack, Jyoti Savla, Kevin P. Davy, and Brenda M. Davy. “Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle‐aged and older adults.” Obesity 18, no. 2 (2010): 300-307.

Osteoarthritis is helped by Avocado:

For OSTEOARTHRITIS (OA), Avocado plays a promising role as a food rich in carotenoids and antioxidants that has been shown to be effective in reducing the pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis. This is the most common arthritis because it results from normal wear and tear, aging, or bone injury where cartilage tissue was damaged.

A recent review published in the Cambridge University Press called for further investigation of the potential of dietary factors in this disease concluding that, “diet offers a route by which the health of the joint can be protected and OA incidence or progression decreased. In a chronic disease, with risk factors increasing in the population and with no pharmaceutical cure, an understanding of this will be crucial.” 1

The unique fats in avocados–phytosterols and polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PFAs)–are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. PFA are typically found in ocean plants but rare in a land-based tree. A study observed the effect of phytosterols on cultures of mouse chondrocytes and human osteoarthritis (OA) chondrocytes and discovered the inhibition of several pro-inflammatory and degradation mediators typically involved in OA-induced cartilage degradation, at least in part through the inhibition of the NF-κB pathway.2 They concluded that the promising results justified further studies

The avocado is also abundant in the monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, which is linked to reduced inflammation. Articular cartilage is one of very few body tissues uniquely characterized by having substantial stores of lipid deposits and fatty acids have been shown to have protective effects on cartilage degradation. In comparing normal and arthritic joints, researchers assessed the role of lipids in human joint pathology and suggested that lipid involvement was very critical to the development or progression of degenerative joint disease.3

Recommendations: ½ to 1 avocado daily


  1. Green, Jonathan A., et al. “The potential for dietary factors to prevent or treat osteoarthritis.” Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 73.2 (2014): 278-288.
  2. Gabay, Odile, et al. “Stigmasterol: a phytosterol with potential anti-osteoarthritic properties.” Osteoarthritis and cartilage 18.1 (2010): 106-116.
  3. Lippiello, Louis, Thomas Walsh, and Margery Fienhold. “The association of lipid abnormalities with tissue pathology in human osteoarthritic articular cartilage.” Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental 40.6 (1991): 571-576.

Sinus Infections are helped by Avocado:

For SINUS INFECTIONS, Avocado can be counted on to boost immunity and enhance elimination offering defense against mucus and allergy symptoms that could exacerbate sinus cavity irritation. Avocados have a unique nutrition profile rich in vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C. It is also abundant in the monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, which is linked to reduced inflammation. Other anti-inflammatory compounds are the unique antioxidants persenone A and B which may have protective effects against inflammation.1

The main function of sinus membranes is to produce mucus but many foods can greatly impact the production of mucus causing pressure, congestion, and eventually infection. Fortunately, avocado can be used as a source of sinus relief and considered good food for the sinuses. Its abundant supply of vitamin C, for example, can diminish the symptoms of a cold and pressure from allergies.

The potassium in avocados may assist in drying up the sinuses and vitamin A is known as membrane conditioner which helps build healthy mucus membranes in the head and throat.

Recommendations: ½ to 1 avocado daily


  1. Kim, Oe Kyung, et al. “Novel nitric oxide and superoxide generation inhibitors, persenone A and B, from avocado fruit.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48.5 (2000): 1557-1563.