Homeopathic suppositories with Boric acid, neem: For VAGINAL YEAST, homeopathic suppositories with a combination of homeopathics, botanicals, and probiotics including lactobacillus acidophilus, can resolve vaginal yeast within three to five days for 90% of cases. Suppositories that provide neem, boric acid, goldenseal and the correct homeopathic remedies can be a unique and powerful remedy to address the underlying cause of yeast vaginitis, as well as rapidly relieving the symptoms of burning, itching, irritation, and discharge.

Candida yeast and many other microbes naturally live in the vaginal canal, and so “yeast” is–in general–not an infection caused by a foreign microbe that invades from outside. Usually vaginal yeast species stay quietly in the background, and co-exist harmoniously with other healthy bacteria. Yeast only overgrows and causes symptoms if the environment is disturbed, if the ‘good’ microbes that keep it in check are compromised, or if abnormal conditions over-stimulate it to reproduce. These conditions include stress, sleep deprivation, excess dietary sugar or alcohol, honeymoons and other fun times, poor immune function, and low-estrogen conditions that prevent the vaginal tissues from staying moist and supple.

Therefore, we feel that attacking the yeast is not an ideal approach; it is better to restore the normal vaginal environment, and thus address the underlying cause. We very much prefer an approach that encourages healthy flora, and discourages yeast overgrowth, so the yeast species can retreat into a peaceful co-existence with other helpful microbes, normal balance is restored, and symptoms disappear quickly. The improved vaginal environment is then less hospitable for any future yeast overgrowth, discouraging and reducing recurrence of yeast symptoms.

Boric acid at full clinical strength is a gentle but potent remedy for restoring the natural, slightly-acidic vaginal pH, which allows good bacteria including lactobacillus to flourish, and discourages yeast proliferation. Boric acid suppositories have proven to be effective in 98% of women with chronic persistent or recurring yeast vaginitis. Boric acid is commonly cited as a treatment for recurrent and resistant yeast vaginitis: A 2009 in vitro study was undertaken to understand the spectrum of action of boric acid and the mechanism of its antifungal activity as a potential treatment for vaginal infection. Researchers discovered that its fungicidal action depended on concentration and temperature. Boric acid was found to work by interfering with the development of yeast biofilm by inhibition of oxidative metabolism.1 It helps to restore the natural acidic balance of the vaginal tissues, and to make the environment less hospitable to yeast.

Several species of lactobacillus normally populate the vagina, and they contribute to the low pH that maintains a healthy microflora balance. Taking lactobacillus by mouth or introducing them by suppository are both effective methods to colonize the vaginal ecosystem. Lactobacilli prevent yeast and pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the vaginal tissues and multiplying.

In addition, there are several homeopathic remedies that can specifically help vaginal yeast. Homeopathy is a very safe and gentle, time-honored specialty of natural medicine that uses tiny doses of plants, minerals, and herbs to stimulate the body’s own self-repair mechanisms. Classical homeopathy has been in use for many centuries, and may have originated long before that in ancient Greece. Our detailed modern knowledge began in the late 1700s in Europe. Now this specialty is widely practiced by skilled holistic MDs and practitioners in USA, Europe, and worldwide. Homeopathy is a subtle treatment method, like acupuncture in some ways, that stimulates the patient’s own self-healing systems. Research backs up the efficacy of homeopathy; and there are hundreds of well-documented remedies with deep and gentle actions.

The four main homeopathic remedies that help vaginal yeast are borax, hydrastis or goldenseal, berberine or Oregon grape, and kreosotum. All are well-documented in homeopathic literature and are FDA-approved for treating yeast vaginitis, leucorrhea, vulvo-vaginal soreness and itching, and cervical inflammation. These work synergistically with other helpful botanicals to discourage yeast overgrowth and restore a well-balanced vaginal pH and microbial environment.

Homeopathic Borax in a 3X strength, a highly diluted form of boric acid, amplifies the helpful actions of boric acid, to restore a natural slightly-acid pH, which allows good bacteria including lactobacillus to flourish, and discourages yeast proliferation. Boric acid suppositories have been found to be effective in 98% of women with chronic persistent or recurring yeast vaginitis.

Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium), containing the active constituent berberine, has direct anti-yeast action. It also fosters and promotes the growth of lactobacilli and good bacteria, and stimulates immune cells in the mucous membrane lining of the vagina. Berberine is a potent remedy for vaginal yeast attacking fungus, yeast, and protozoan pathogens by preventing their RNA functions and protein synthesis. Researchers in a 2010 study sought to investigate the antimycotic activity of berberine alone and in combination with antifungal azole drugs against a specific Candida albicans organism which creates a biofilm and demonstrates resistance to traditional antifungal agents. Their results showed that berberine inhibited the growth of several Candida species.2 Homeopathic Berberis Aquifolium in 3X strength acts to curtail yeast growth and enhance probiotic development.

 Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) contains the alkaloid berberine as its powerful therapeutic active ingredient and is antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal. Used in traditional medicine in treating ailments ranging from eye infections to wounds since the 1800s, goldenseal is still used by medicinal herbalists with great success. Berberine works by binding to certain molecular targets in the body and altering their function. This powerful herb is best for short-term use, and our patients find relief in as little as five days. Goldenseal activates an enzyme within our body cells called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This enzyme regulates metabolism, and has a major influence on the immune system and the body’s ability to fight disease.3 As a homeopathic remedy, Hydrastis canadensis 3X has deep and gentle actions to boost immune function, discourage yeast growth, and foster the proliferation of helpful vaginal bacteria.

Kreosotum (creosote) is made from distilled beechwood tar and was first used for medical purposes in the 1800s. It is an effective remedy to treat ailments affecting the mucus membranes, especially to relieve the burning and itching that accompanies candidiasis. In a homeopathic form, it is highly diluted, which magnifies its efficacy, and very safe.

The most effective suppositories include complementary ingredients that further help to restore a healthy vaginal environment. Neem oil is a potent immune stimulant that is documented to be effective for vaginal discharge from many causes by inducing the release of interferon from T-lymphocytes. Tea tree oil has been found in research studies to inhibit susceptible and even robustly resistant strains of candida, impeding their overgrowth.5 It is also soothing for inflamed tissues and is notable for healing wounds.

Thus a combination of homeopathics, botanicals, and probiotics in suppository form restores the natural acidic balance of the vaginal tissues, and makes the environment less hospitable to yeast. This is a far more effective, long-lasting, and holistic treatment than antifungal creams and the severely overused Diflucan drug.

For acute yeast episodes, our patients generally use one suppository twice daily, for five to seven days. If the formula includes goldenseal or Oregon Grape, we suggest wearing panty liners as these herbs are bright yellow. Patients can also use a suppository two or three times per week to prevent recurrent yeast symptoms. Leftover suppositories can be stored, if they contain vitamin E to maintain freshness.

Suppository application of a formula with active ingredients including: Borax 3X, Hydrastis Canadensis 3X, Berberis Aquifolium 3X, Kreosotum 3X, along with Boric acid, lactobacillus acidophilus, neem oil, tea tree essential oil, Oregon grape root 4:1, an oil base such as coconut, triglycerides from vegetable oil, Vitamin E, or as directed by your healthcare provider.


  1. De Seta, Francesco, et al. “Antifungal mechanisms supporting boric acid therapy of Candida vaginitis.” Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 63.2 (2008): 325-336.
  2. Wei, Guo-Xian, Xin Xu, and Christine D. Wu. “In vitro synergism between berberine and miconazole against planktonic and biofilm Candida cultures.” Archives of oral biology 56.6 (2011): 565-572.
  3. Scazzocchio, Francesca, et al. “Antibacterial activity of Hydrastis canadensis extract and its major isolated alkaloids.” Planta medica 67.06 (2001): 561-564.
  4. Iwu, Maurice W., Angela R. Duncan, and Chris O. Okunji. “New antimicrobials of plant origin.” Perspectives on new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA (1999): 457-462.
  5. Francesca Mondello, Flavia De Bernardis, Antonietta Girolamo, Giuseppe Salvatore, Antonio Cassone; In vitro and in vivo activity of tea tree oil against azole-susceptible and -resistant human pathogenic yeasts, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Volume 51, Issue 5, 1 May 2003, Pages 1223–1229.