For IDEAL WEIGHT, quercetin with bromelain increases metabolic rate, and reduces the development of adipose fatty tissue. It also helps to reduce inflammation that could activate obesity genes, and inhibits inflammatory mediators called cytokines that can worsen fat deposition. Quercetin boosts oxidative metabolism and decreases adiposity to enhance healthy weight balance. Quercetin is currently under study because it may also have helpful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Its potential for scavenging free radicals and reducing tissue and DNA damage supports the body’s elimination of fat and metabolic waste, to aid weight loss. Bromelain enhances quercetin’s absorption, and it helps to break down fat cells in its own right.

Quercetin is one of the flavonoid group of plant-based antioxidants that give plants their color. Flavonoids belong to a class of micronutrients called polyphenols, which have powerful health benefits. Quercetin is sometimes referred to as the “master flavonoid” both because it is well-researched, and because it is abundant in dark, vibrant-colored vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey, and medicinal herbs. Quercetin has the ability to suppress inflammatory pathways in the body chemistry, and calm and down-regulate the enzymes and hormones responsible for the inflammatory response. In regard to weight management, lowering inflammation supports less fat formation. Quercetin reduces oxidative damage to fats and cholesterol, which deters fat accumulation and reduces cholesterol’s stickiness and ability to block arteries.

Research studies confirm that quercetin is valuable for weight loss, and for achieving an optimal weight and BMI. In a 2018 clinical trial lasting 12 weeks with 78 obese women, quercetin, at a dose of 1000mg/day, improved the women’s metabolic profiles and markers such as blood sugar and fatty acid balance. Quercetin helped the women to lose weight, and it reduced an obesity marker called resistin.3

In another study published in 2015, researchers confirmed that quercetin the inhibits fat formation or adipogenesis and calms inflammation. Adipogenesis can lead to central obesity, and it is considered a cornerstone function impacting the metabolism of many other tissues. Quercetin in this study was found to reduce d body weight by almost 40%. It also suppressed the actions of mediator molecules called cytokines which could cause inflammation and fat formation and deposition, lipogenesis and adipogenesis. The data demonstrated that quercetin inhibits lipid accumulation and obesity-induced inflammation in both cell studies and in live subjects. Researchers suggested that ‘quercetin may represent a potential therapeutic agent for other metabolic disorders by regulating obesity and obesity-induced inflammation.’4

 Another possible reason for quercetin’s action in helping with weight loss was noted in a study where quercetin was seen to reduce obesity-associated inflammation and cut the infiltration of inflammatory macrophage cells into adipose tissue. Quercetin lowered insulin resistance, so that sugar and fat metabolism improved. It was found that quercetin reduced body weight gain from a high fat diet, and improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. The results indicated that quercetin can heighten glucose uptake in adipose tissues, and lower the levels of proinflammatory mediators called cytokines.5 This means that, while reducing inflammation, quercetin helps to efficiently burn sugar and fats to curb weight gain.

Yet another important study showed that quercetin has a direct anti-obesity effect. It acts by turning off obesity genes that are linked to inflammation (AMPK and MAPK pathways). This stops tissues from storing new fats and triggers the destruction of existing fat cells.2

Bromelain is a plant-based digestive enzyme complex from pineapple that breaks down proteins into their constituent amino acids. Because it enhances absorption, bromelain helps to move quercetin from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. One challenge with getting an adequate amount of quercetin is its low bioavailability; quercetin uptake take-up in human tissue is quite low. A clinically effective dose of bromelain significantly improves quercetin assimilation. Bromelain is also a highly effective anti-inflammatory in its own right. It can help to relieve joint and connective tissue pain, and reduce C-reactive protein, the inflammation marker. In these ways, bromelain magnifies the efficacy of quercetin. By calming inflammation, bromelain helps with achieving an ideal weight.

Bromelain, in addition to improving quercetin’s absorption and calming inflammation, also helps with healthy weight balance in several ways. Protein is essential for achieving an optimal weight, and bromelain frees up amino acids, the protein building blocks, so that they are better absorbed. Bromelain also has several helpful actions on fat or adipose tissue. In studies, bromelain inhibited the formation of new fat cells and caused fat cells to self-destruct. Additionally, research confirms that bromelain induces the breakdown of fats.6

 Phytosome technology is a method of combining a nutrient with other natural plant substances to greatly enhance absorption, and to protect the nutrient from breakdown by gut enzymes. Quercetin is even more effectively assimilated when it is bonded to sunflower-sourced phospholipids. Because these phospholipids are chief components of human cell membranes, the phytosome complex they form together with quercetin is easily recognized by the body.

Also, this phospholipid-quercetin phytosome is protected from destruction by digestive secretions and gut bacteria, and thus better absorbed. The phytosome chaperones quercetin highly efficiently across the epithelial cell membrane barrier of the intestine and into the bloodstream. In this way, greater amounts of quercetin reach the tissues making quercetin much more available for cells to use.

We regularly include quercetin in a phytosome form with bromelain in our clinic for weight balance programs. Our patients report better weight loss, steady decreases in waistlines and fatty tissues. They also experience reduced inflammatory pain in joints and muscles, which encourages them to exercise more. This positive feedback cycle leads to burning more calories, lower weight, less pain, and more energy.

Recommendation: Quercetin 500mg in a sunflower phospholipid phytosome complex, with bromelain 200mg, taken once or twice daily, best between meals; or as directed by your healthcare provider.


  1. Davis J.M, Murphy E.A, Carmichael M.D, Davis B. Quercetin increases brain and muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and exercise tolerance. Am. J. Physiol. Regul Integr. Comp. Physiol. 2009a;296:R1071–R1077.
  2. Ahn J, Lee H, Kim S, Park J, Ha T. The anti-obesity effect of quercetin is mediated by the AMPK and MAPK signaling pathways. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2008;373:545–549.
  3. Khorshidi, Masoud, et al. “The effects of quercetin supplementation on metabolic and hormonal parameters as well as plasma concentration and gene expression of resistin in overweight or obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.” Phytotherapy Research 32.11 (2018): 2282-2289.
  4. Seo, Min-Jung, et al. “The inhibitory effects of quercetin on obesity and obesity-induced inflammation by regulation of MAPK signaling.” The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 26.11 (2015): 1308-1316.
  5. Dong, Jing, et al. “Quercetin reduces obesity-associated ATM infiltration and inflammation in mice: a mechanism including AMPKα1/SIRT1.” Journal of lipid research 55.3 (2014): 363-374.
  6. Dave, Sandeep, et al. “Inhibition of adipogenesis and induction of apoptosis and lipolysis by stem bromelain in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.” PLoS One 7.1 (2012): e30831.