Flush Free Niacin

We prefer this brand because...

Flush Free Niacin contains a special form of niacin, inositol hexaniacinate, which is particularly safe and more effective than raw niacin, and thus allows for higher doses. For cardiovascular health, amounts of up to 1,200 mg daily are required. This potent formula requires fewer capsules, is safer and more economical than plain low-dose niacin, and it works better for cholesterol and circulation. Inositol hexaniacinate, which has been the favored form of niacin in Europe since the 1970s, is the only form of niacin that helps peripheral vascular disorders including Raynaud’s. We have also found Flush Free Niacin to have gentle blood-pressure lowering effects, and it also helps chronic acne.

It consists of six molecules of niacin in its nicotinic acid form joined with one molecule of inositol, a minor member of the B-vitamin family. We especially like that inositol is a liver tonic and has its own independent health benefits. Unlike raw niacin which has been linked with gastric upset, impaired sugar metabolism, injury to liver cells and raised liver enzymes, inositol hexaniacinate is protective for the liver. We test liver enzymes every three or four months for patients with high lipids, and in years of using Flush Free Niacin, we have not yet seen it linked with abnormal liver enzymes.

Even better, inositol hexaniacinate does not have the side effect of skin flushing and itching that plain niacin causes even at low doses. The FDA approves prescription-strength raw niacin, but because of its side effects, it is hard to reach a therapeutic dose of over 500 mg which is necessary to improve cholesterol levels and ratios. Sustained-release niacin is yet more risky, with its notoriously high rate of liver damage. By contrast, just two capsules of Flush Free Niacin daily, containing a highly potent 590 mg each, are usually ample and safe.

For its lipid-lowering effects, it is best taken in the evening with dinner as most cholesterol is made in the body overnight. Pharmacokinetic studies show that the inositol hexaniacinate molecule is absorbed intact and slowly disassembled in the bloodstream, gently releasing niacin and inositol. Maximum serum levels are reached after around ten hours; this delayed release further reduces the risk of flushing and impact on the liver.

About this product

Niacin, in the inositol hexaniacinate form, has been documented to improve cholesterol since the 1950s. Now we know that niacin specifically lowers “bad” LDL, triglyceride, lipoprotein (a), and fibrinogen levels while raising “good” HDL levels. It also lowers the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein. This is very helpful: current theory suggests that it is inflammation that damages the walls of arteries (but not veins), and the body applies cholesterol-based, cement-like plaque to repair the damaged patches. Over time, with ongoing inflammation and more repairs, the patches become thicker and harder, eventually narrowing the arteries. Statins appear to cut inflammation mediators like cytokines. In the well-known Coronary Drug Project that concluded in 1974, niacin was the only agent found to reduce long-term mortality. Today niacin is still the most effective FDA-approved means of raising “good” HDL cholesterol. More recent studies comparing lovastatin and niacin, found that niacin could raise HDL by 30-33% after six months and reduce lipoprotein (a) by 35% where lovastatin did little or nothing for these levels. Other research comparing atorvastatin (Lipitor) found that niacin was more effective at increasing LDL particle size, which can then lower heart disease risk, and at boosting HDL2, a specific subtype of HDL that brings protective benefits. There is also evidence that niacin combats atherosclerosis by increasing large-particle lipids and cutting phospholipase A2.

For raised lipoprotein (a), niacin at a dose of 1,500-2,000 mg daily is the single most effective remedy. Lipoprotein (a) is a fat-protein complex in plasma, a variation of “bad” LDL cholesterol that is even more damaging. It has a very similar structure to “bad” LDL, but with an extra molecule of a sticky protein called apolipoprotein (a). This makes lipoprotein (a) much more likely to adhere to artery linings. Research shows that a high lipoprotein (a) score carries up to a tenfold higher risk of fatty deposits in arteries and heart disease than just raised LDL as LDL alone is less sticky without the additional apolipoprotein (a). Elevated lipoprotein (a) levels are an independent risk factor for heart disease: levels below 20 mg/dL are associated with low heart disease risk; 20-40 brings moderate risk; and above 40 is high risk. Lipoprotein (a) may further contribute to cardiovascular disease by attracting substances that increase inflammation such as interleukins (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha) and prostaglandins (PG2), leading to the buildup of fatty deposits.

Niacin can help peripheral vascular disorders including Raynaud’s because it enhances blood flow. There is good scientific evidence that it can reduce Raynaud’s episodes and lessen painful claudication leg cramps in vascular disease. Only the inositol hexaniacinate form is helpful for Raynaud’s and PVD, not regular niacin. Double-blind studies have confirmed the effectiveness of inositol hexaniacinate for counteracting the blood vessel constriction to hands and feet in Raynaud’s, easing painful leg cramps due to reduced blood supply to calf muscles during walking that occurs with intermittent claudication.

For acne, inositol hexaniacinate may open small blood vessels and improve skin circulation. It can significantly reduce acne outbreaks and speed the healing of pimples. Several of our patients have had good long-term results with Flush Free Niacin. It is effective without any need for skin flushing or irritation. A dose of 590-1,200 mg daily is usually effective.


1 capsule provides:

Niacin (as inositol hexaniacinate) 590 mg

Other Ingredients: Vegetable capsule (modified cellulose), magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide

This product does not contain ingredients of animal origin, dairy or gluten.


Always take natural remedies under the supervision of your health care provider. Do not use Flush Free Niacin without the advice of your healthcare professional if you have diabetes or are taking medicines to lower blood sugar as inositol hexaniacinate may occasionally impair glucose tolerance and lead to the need for higher medication doses: monitor blood sugar levels carefully.

Inositol hexaniacinate can potentiate the cholesterol-lowering effects of stains drugs, possibly requiring lowered doses, so lipid levels should be carefully monitored.

Do not use Flush Free Niacin during pregnancy or lactation unless under the guidance of your physician, as there is insufficient data about safe use during pregnancy.

Helps With:
  • Acne
  • High Cholesterol & Lipids

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